
Video: Taking Your Line of Business Apps to the Next Level with OpenAI and GPT Models, Communication and Organizational Data

I had the incredible opportunity to grace the stage at the 2023 ng-conf conference in beautiful Salt Lake City, Utah this past June. Every year, I look forward to this event, and it’s not just because of the scenic views or the pristine organization of the conference. The magic truly lies in the amazing people I get to chat with and the new friendships I forge. If you’re after a blend of fun, entertainment, and education, ng-conf is the place to be. Plus, let’s not forget the golden opportunity it provides to expand your network. This year, I talked about […]

Solving the Puzzle of Real Time Collaboration using the Fluid Framework

I had the opportunity to talk at ng-conf (one of my favorite conferences of all time!) about how the Fluid Framework can be used to add real-time collaboration into your custom apps. In the talk I cover: Check out the video from the talk below or visit to access: The Angular sample I show in the talk can be found at

Getting Started with Azure Static Web Apps

What does it take to deploy a modern JavaScript web app? Your initial response might be, “Copy the files up to the server – how hard could it be?”. The reality is that deploying modern JavaScript apps is a bit more complicated than simply copying files up to a server. For example, let’s say that you have a Single Page Application (a static web application) built with React, Vue, Angular, or another technology that hits an API, supports user logins and roles, and has to secure specific server-side routes. To deploy the app you’d need to do something like the […]

New Pluralsight Course: Angular Architecture and Best Practices

I’m excited to announce the release of my next course on Pluralsight titled Angular Architecture and Best Practices! The goal of this course is to provide you with solid, proven guidance to plan out your Angular application architecture, address various challenges that typically come up, and ultimately create a more maintainable and flexible application. Here are a few questions this course will help you answer: Is there one “right” way to architect and build an Angular application? Short answer – NO! What are some key concepts I should consider when planning my application architecture? Is there any type of planning […]

Free Interactive Coding Course: Build Your First Angular App

About a year ago I was browsing the web and came across a site called It provided a unique way to learn about web technologies through a live code editor combined with audio that syncs with the code – something you have to actually try out to realize the full potential. Since I do a lot of training for companies the Scrimba tool really caught my eye. I was so impressed with the features Scrimba provided that I decided to contact the creators (Per Harald Borgen and Sindre Aarsaether) to let them know that I thought the tool they had […]

Angular, TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code 10

I use VS Code a lot in my development projects and recently put together a set of Angular (v2 or higher) TypeScript and HTML snippets that can be used to enhance productivity when building Single Page Applications.  By typing the snippet prefix (which is “ag-”) in a TypeScript or HTML file you can quickly add the associated code into your file. Here’s a list of the supported snippets: Angular TypeScript Snippets ag-Bootstrap – Bootstrap snippet ag-AppModule – Create the root app module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureModule – Angular app feature module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureRoutingModule – Angular app feature routing module (@NgModule) snippet […]