
Installing MongoDB on Mac Catalina using Homebrew

I recently bought a new iMac and moved all of my files over using Time Machine. The migration went really well overall and within a few hours I had my development machine up and running. After starting an application I’m building I quickly realized that I couldn’t get MongoDB to start. Running the following command resulted in an error about the data/db directory being read-only: I tried every chmod and chown command known to man and woman kind, tried manually changing security in Finder, compared security to my other iMac (they were the same), and tried a bunch of other […]

New Pluralsight Course: Angular Architecture and Best Practices

I’m excited to announce the release of my next course on Pluralsight titled Angular Architecture and Best Practices! The goal of this course is to provide you with solid, proven guidance to plan out your Angular application architecture, address various challenges that typically come up, and ultimately create a more maintainable and flexible application. Here are a few questions this course will help you answer: Is there one “right” way to architect and build an Angular application? Short answer – NO! What are some key concepts I should consider when planning my application architecture? Is there any type of planning […]