
Start Learning TypeScript with these Short Videos

TypeScript continues to grow in popularity and for good reason. It adds “guard rails” to your code to help you spot issues early on, easily locate problem code, enhance productivity, provide consistency across code, and much more. While there are a lot of TypeScript resources out there to get started learning the language, where can you go to get started quickly without wasting a lot of time? I recently published a series of short videos on TypeScript core concepts that can provide a great starting point. The videos are short, super focused, and many of them use the online TypeScript […]

Free Interactive Coding Course: Build Your First Angular App

About a year ago I was browsing the web and came across a site called Scrimba.com. It provided a unique way to learn about web technologies through a live code editor combined with audio that syncs with the code – something you have to actually try out to realize the full potential. Since I do a lot of training for companies the Scrimba tool really caught my eye. I was so impressed with the features Scrimba provided that I decided to contact the creators (Per Harald Borgen and Sindre Aarsaether) to let them know that I thought the tool they had […]