
CloudSkills Podcast Interview: Docker, Kubernetes, and Microservices

I recently chatted with my friend Mike Pfieffer who runs the CloudSkills.fm podcast about Docker, Kubernetes, and Microservices. Mike works a lot in the DevOps space and I work in the developer space (and do some DevOps as well) so it was a fun discussion about challenges that come up in both worlds. We discussed the benefits of containers, the role of Kubernetes, and how both can play an important role when working with Microservices. Listen to the podcast here: CloudSkills.fm Website Video of the Podcast 

Real Talk JavaScript Podcast: End to End Testing with Cypress.io

I had the opportunity to talk with my good friends John Papa and Ward Bell about Cypress.io and end to end testing on the Real Talk JavaScript podcast.  We talked about why I think end to end testing should get more attention, how I’m using it in a current project, as well as the benefits it can offer developers. I wasn’t a huge fan of end to end testing in the past mainly because I hadn’t used it much on projects, had the misconception that it was for “dedicated testers”, and felt like it would require a lot of time […]