
New Video Series: All Things Microsoft Cloud

I had a chance to sit down with my colleague Ayça Baş as well as several special guests to talk about how different technologies across the Microsoft Cloud can be integrated together to build a variety of applications. Check out the different interviews in the video series below. What is the Microsoft Cloud? Ayça and I talk about the overall Microsoft Cloud and services that are available. While Azure is a central part of the Microsoft Cloud, you can also integrate with services across Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and GitHub. Ayça and I also discuss a new Build applications on […]

Real Talk JavaScript Podcast: End to End Testing with Cypress.io

I had the opportunity to talk with my good friends John Papa and Ward Bell about Cypress.io and end to end testing on the Real Talk JavaScript podcast.  We talked about why I think end to end testing should get more attention, how I’m using it in a current project, as well as the benefits it can offer developers. I wasn’t a huge fan of end to end testing in the past mainly because I hadn’t used it much on projects, had the misconception that it was for “dedicated testers”, and felt like it would require a lot of time […]

Q&A with Silicon Prairie News About Docker Containers

I had the opportunity to talk with Silicon Prairie News about Docker and some of the key benefits it offers. They interviewed me ahead of the Heartland Developer Conference (HDC) event where I’ll be giving a keynote titled “Docker Containers: What Every Developer Should Know”. The questions they asked in the interview included: How long have you been working with Docker? Can you briefly explain Docker for developers and readers who may not have a current understanding of what it does? Do you think this is something that all developers should at least be educating themselves on even if they […]

New Pluralsight Course: Docker for Web Developers

How I Got Into Docker (and why you should too) One of the most exciting technologies that I’ve researched and used over the past year is Docker. That’s a pretty bold statement, especially since I enjoy working with a lot of different technologies, so let me share a quick story about how I initially got started with Docker and and my personal journey (if you’d prefer you can jump directly to the Docker for Web Developers Course). You may have heard the term “Docker” tossed around at work or online and wondered what it was…I know I did. I heard […]