
Q&A with Silicon Prairie News About Docker Containers

I had the opportunity to talk with Silicon Prairie News about Docker and some of the key benefits it offers. They interviewed me ahead of the Heartland Developer Conference (HDC) event where I’ll be giving a keynote titled “Docker Containers: What Every Developer Should Know”. The questions they asked in the interview included: How long have you been working with Docker? Can you briefly explain Docker for developers and readers who may not have a current understanding of what it does? Do you think this is something that all developers should at least be educating themselves on even if they […]

Introducing the AngularU Conference

In late 2014 my good friend Peter Kellner approach me with a big idea – an idea that immediately caught my attention. He wanted to explore collaborating on a new conference idea that would highlight Angular and other “hot” Web development topics and wondered if I’d be interested in working with him and another friend of his named Kevin Nilson (who is also a good friend now) on a full-scale conference. I’ve been involved with chairing a lot of conference tracks over the years but never been the driving force behind organizing an entire conference. While the idea was definitely […]