
Video: Modern Web Development Interview with Channel 9

I had the privilege to sit down with Seth Juarez from Channel 9 at the AngleBrackets conference in Las Vegas (fall 2015) and talk about modern web development and the main technologies that drive it. We talked about a lot of different topics ranging from TypeScript, Angular and Aurelia on the client-side to Node.js and ASP.NET 5 on the server-side. Seth’s a great interview host (and a super cool guy to hang out with) and I really enjoyed talking with him about modern technology in today’s world. Check out the interview below. Modern Web Development with Seth Juarez and Dan […]

Video: Building a Single-Page App with Angular, TypeScript, Azure Active Directory and Office 365 APIs

I had the opportunity to speak at the BUILD 2015 conference in San Francisco with my friend Andrew Connell and had a great time! We gave a talk on Angular, TypeScript, Azure AD and Office 365 APIs and I also gave two “Express” talks on TypeScript. It was super fun to meet new people and hang out with everyone at the conference. I even had the opportunity to check out the upcoming HoloLens device which was super cool! I was heading up an elevator to a meeting and a member of the HoloLens team approached me and asked if I […]

The Role of Interfaces in TypeScript

In my last post I talked about how classes and interfaces could be extended in the TypeScript language. By using TypeScript’s extends keyword you can easily create derived classes that inherit functionality from a base class. You can also use the extends keyword to extend existing interfaces and create new ones. In the previous post I showed an example of an ITruckOptions interface that extends IAutoOptions. An example of the interfaces is shown next: interface IAutoOptions { engine: IEngine; basePrice: number; state: string; make: string; model: string; year: number; } interface ITruckOptions extends IAutoOptions { bedLength: string; fourByFour: bool; } […]

Extending Classes and Interfaces using TypeScript

In a previous post I discussed the fundamentals of the TypeScript language and how it can be used to build JavaScript applications. TypeScript is all about strongly-typed variables and function parameters, encapsulation of code, and catching issues upfront as opposed to after the fact to provide more maintainable code bases. One of the great features it offers is the ability to take advantage of inheritance without having to be an expert in JavaScript prototypes, constructors, and other language features (although I certainly recommend learning about those features regardless if you use TypeScript or not). In this post I’ll discuss how […]

Introducing the AngularU Conference

In late 2014 my good friend Peter Kellner approach me with a big idea – an idea that immediately caught my attention. He wanted to explore collaborating on a new conference idea that would highlight Angular and other “hot” Web development topics and wondered if I’d be interested in working with him and another friend of his named Kevin Nilson (who is also a good friend now) on a full-scale conference. I’ve been involved with chairing a lot of conference tracks over the years but never been the driving force behind organizing an entire conference. While the idea was definitely […]

Creating a TypeScript Workflow with Gulp

TypeScript provides a lot of great functionality that lets you leverage many of the features available in ES6 today but how do you get started using it in your favorite editor? If you’re using Visual Studio or WebStorm then TypeScript support can be used directly and everything happens magically without much work on your part. But, if you’re using Sublime Text, Brackets, Atom, or another editor you’ll have to find a plugin to compile .ts files to JavaScript or create your own custom workflow. While several plugins exist to compile TypeScript and even provide code help as you’re writing TypeScript […]

Getting Started with TypeScript – Classes, Types and Interfaces

One of the big announcements at ng-conf this week was the collaborative work that the Angular and TypeScript teams have been doing. Angular 2 will leverage TypeScript heavily and you can as well in any type of JavaScript application (client-side or even server-side with Node.js). You can also use ES6 or ES5 with Angular 2 if you decide that TypeScript isn’t for you. Andrew Connell and I gave a talk on TypeScript at ng-conf that you can view here if interested: I’ve been a big fan of TypeScript for many years and decided to update a few previous posts I’ve […]