
Code with Dan Newsletter #2: Node.js, Microservices, Authentication, CSS and TypeScript/Angular

Edition #2 of the Code with Dan Web Development Newsletter is now out including a new video walk-through! Topics in this edition: Node.js API authentication Microservices with Node.js and Express D3 graphics and charting TypeScript and Angular projects to learn from A minimalistic CSS library (when you want something smaller than Bootstrap) Watch my video walk-through of the content covered in this newsletter here: Not subscribed to the newsletter yet? Sign-up below!

Code with Dan Web Newsletter #1: PWAs, VueJS/Angular/React, MSBuild, Docker

I’m rebooting the Code with Dan Newsletter but decided to keep it much more focused than before (less items in each edition). Here’s a quick video overview of the what I have planned as well as the first 5 items covered in edition #1 of the newsletter: Topics covered in this edition: A beginner’s guide to making Progressive Web Apps VueJS vs Angular vs ReactJS with Demos MSBuild in .NET Core (Video) Docker for .NET Developers Series Dan’s Flipboard Magazines (scroll to the bottom) Not subscribed to the newsletter? Sign-up below!

Angular, TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code 10

I use VS Code a lot in my development projects and recently put together a set of Angular (v2 or higher) TypeScript and HTML snippets that can be used to enhance productivity when building Single Page Applications.  By typing the snippet prefix (which is “ag-”) in a TypeScript or HTML file you can quickly add the associated code into your file. Here’s a list of the supported snippets: Angular TypeScript Snippets ag-Bootstrap – Bootstrap snippet ag-AppModule – Create the root app module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureModule – Angular app feature module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureRoutingModule – Angular app feature routing module (@NgModule) snippet […]

Behind the Scenes: Angular and ASP.NET Core Pluralsight Course Kickoff Video! 1

I’ve had several people over the years ask about my workflow as I create video courses for Pluralsight and other sites so I thought I’d provide some details. Since I’m starting a brand new course for Pluralsight (Integrating Angular with ASP.NET Core RESTful Services) I filmed a few details about my equipment setup and also did a live recording (with bloopers!) of one of the video clips that will be used in the course. I know a lot of people are either interested in getting into video or simply want to know what really happens behind the scenes so I hope […]

10 Angular and TypeScript Projects to Take You From Zero to Hero 11

There are a lot of great samples and posts out there to help get you started with Angular (version 2 or higher) as well as ES6/ES2015 and TypeScript. However, some are out of date, some may be more complex than you want to start with, and others have been abandoned and are no longer maintained. In this post I’m going to provide a list of 10 Angular/TypeScript projects that I’ve created that can take you from “Zero to Hero” if you like to explore project code and are interested in investing the time to learn. The projects are listed in […]

New Pluralsight Course – Integrating Angular with Node.js RESTful Services 10

  I’m excited to announce the release of a new course on Pluralsight titled Integrating Angular with Node.js RESTful Services! This covers Node.js 6.10 or higher and Angular 4 or higher. In this course I’ll walk you through the process of using Angular to call into RESTful services and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in an application to allow a user to view and modify data. If you’ve wondered about how Angular services work, how to organize modules, the role of Observables and RxJS in async operations, how Angular’s Http client can be used to make async calls, how […]

Video: Modern Web Development Interview with Channel 9

I had the privilege to sit down with Seth Juarez from Channel 9 at the AngleBrackets conference in Las Vegas (fall 2015) and talk about modern web development and the main technologies that drive it. We talked about a lot of different topics ranging from TypeScript, Angular and Aurelia on the client-side to Node.js and ASP.NET 5 on the server-side. Seth’s a great interview host (and a super cool guy to hang out with) and I really enjoyed talking with him about modern technology in today’s world. Check out the interview below. Modern Web Development with Seth Juarez and Dan […]

Video: Building a Single-Page App with Angular, TypeScript, Azure Active Directory and Office 365 APIs

I had the opportunity to speak at the BUILD 2015 conference in San Francisco with my friend Andrew Connell and had a great time! We gave a talk on Angular, TypeScript, Azure AD and Office 365 APIs and I also gave two “Express” talks on TypeScript. It was super fun to meet new people and hang out with everyone at the conference. I even had the opportunity to check out the upcoming HoloLens device which was super cool! I was heading up an elevator to a meeting and a member of the HoloLens team approached me and asked if I […]

Getting Started with TypeScript – Classes, Types and Interfaces

One of the big announcements at ng-conf this week was the collaborative work that the Angular and TypeScript teams have been doing. Angular 2 will leverage TypeScript heavily and you can as well in any type of JavaScript application (client-side or even server-side with Node.js). You can also use ES6 or ES5 with Angular 2 if you decide that TypeScript isn’t for you. Andrew Connell and I gave a talk on TypeScript at ng-conf that you can view here if interested: I’ve been a big fan of TypeScript for many years and decided to update a few previous posts I’ve […]