Dan Wahlin

Maximize Your Company’s Productivity and Potential with the Power of Real-Time Collaboration & Communication

If you’re like most people, you use several custom applications every day at work to get things done. You’re entering data, viewing issues, editing and checking in code, making calls to others to verify process rules, and more. When was the last time you sat down and gave some serious thought to how these applications could be taken to the “next level” though? For example, what if team members could collaborate on the same content and communicate with each other in real-time directly from your app (using chat, audio and/or video) without having to switch to another app? Could this […]

Use Power Automate to Retrieve Data from an Azure Function for Reporting

In a previous post I showed how to convert a local Node script into an Azure Function so that it can be called from anywhere. While that solution provides a great (and cost effective) way to call the script using HTTP, I also needed to automate the calls and add the data into a spreadsheet for reporting purposes. This post explores how to automate the process using Power Automate. If you haven’t used Power Automate before it’s part of the Power Platform suite of tools that includes Power Platform, Power Pages, Power Virtual Agents, and Power BI. Creating a Power […]

Migrating a Local Node Script to Azure Functions using VS Code

I have a work project that uses GitHub APIs to access stats about specific repos (views, clones, forks, etc.). It was pretty straightforward to get the project running locally using GitHub’s Octokit REST package and with a little work I had a working Node script that could be run to retrieve the data and display it in the console. That was a good start, but the script functionality needed to be consumed by others in my organization as well as by services such as Power Automate. What to do? While I could easily convert the script into a Node/Express API […]

New Video Series: All Things Microsoft Cloud

I had a chance to sit down with my colleague Ayça Baş as well as several special guests to talk about how different technologies across the Microsoft Cloud can be integrated together to build a variety of applications. Check out the different interviews in the video series below. What is the Microsoft Cloud? Ayça and I talk about the overall Microsoft Cloud and services that are available. While Azure is a central part of the Microsoft Cloud, you can also integrate with services across Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and GitHub. Ayça and I also discuss a new Build applications on […]

Video: Show a user’s emails in an ASP.NET Core app using Microsoft Graph

I’ve been working a lot with .NET Core and Microsoft Graph lately and decided to put together a short video based on a Microsoft Learn module covering how the technologies can be used together. If you haven’t used Microsoft Graph before, it provides a secure, unified API to access organizational data and intelligence (data stored in Microsoft 365 for example). So why would you ever want to access a signed in user’s emails and include them in your custom app? The simple answer is, “Bring organizational data where your users need it everyday!”. Instead of users switching from your app […]

Start Learning TypeScript with these Short Videos

TypeScript continues to grow in popularity and for good reason. It adds “guard rails” to your code to help you spot issues early on, easily locate problem code, enhance productivity, provide consistency across code, and much more. While there are a lot of TypeScript resources out there to get started learning the language, where can you go to get started quickly without wasting a lot of time? I recently published a series of short videos on TypeScript core concepts that can provide a great starting point. The videos are short, super focused, and many of them use the online TypeScript […]

Error Installing Deno on Windows 11 using PowerShell 7.2 (and how I got it working)

I’ve been playing around with Deno lately and wanted to get it installed on a new Windows 11 laptop I bought. To install Deno, you can go to the https://deno.land/#installation page and follow the instruction for your operating system. I’m currently using Powershell 7.2 so I tried the command that was suggested since it’s normally a quick and easy install: That led to the following error: After reading a few posts and an issue on Github the suggested fix looked to be the following. But, that didn’t work for me: After scanning the Github issue more, I finally found a […]

Developing Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Azure, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and Github

Have you considered adding real-time collaboration into your apps? Do you want to learn how to collaborate more efficiently on code your team is writing? In today’s distributed work environment there are many new and exciting collaborative technologies available across Azure, Microsoft 365, Power Platform, and GitHub that you can tap into today. These technologies can be used to increase user productivity as well as developer productivity and take your applications to the next level! For example, you can: Allow users to collaborate on data in real-time within your application using technologies such as the Fluid Framework or SignalR. Add […]

Getting Started with Azure Static Web Apps

What does it take to deploy a modern JavaScript web app? Your initial response might be, “Copy the files up to the server – how hard could it be?”. The reality is that deploying modern JavaScript apps is a bit more complicated than simply copying files up to a server. For example, let’s say that you have a Single Page Application (a static web application) built with React, Vue, Angular, or another technology that hits an API, supports user logins and roles, and has to secure specific server-side routes. To deploy the app you’d need to do something like the […]

Getting Started Calling the Microsoft Graph API

In this post I’m going to share a quick tip on how to get started calling the Microsoft Graph API. If you’re new to Microsoft Graph, here’s a short definition for you: Microsoft Graph provides a secure and unified API that can be used to access Microsoft 365 and other cloud data and intelligence. NOTE: You can watch a video about everything covered here on the Microsoft 365 Developer YouTube channel. In a nutshell, you can use Microsoft Graph to retrieve information about users, groups, emails, Teams chats, OneDrive files, meetings, to-do list tasks, and much more and then pull […]