
Using RealTime AI – Part 1: Getting Started with the Fundamentals of Low-Latency AI Magic

Have you ever wished your AI could keep up with you—like, actually match your pace? You know, the kind of speed where you toss out a question and get a snappy reply before you’ve even blinked twice? Enter Realtime AI—a total game-changer that I’ll have to admit had me grinning like I had just unlocked a secret superpower the first time I got it running. In this first installment of the RealTime AI series, I’ll break down what Realtime AI is for you, why it’s awesome, and provide you with a first look at the RealTime AI App—a fun demo […]

AI Time-Travel: Your JavaScript Quest Begins!

Generative AI for Beginners – A JavaScript Adventure. Code with Legends, Conquer the Future! Imagine sipping espresso with Leonardo da Vinci, debating AI over sketches of flying machines. Or quizzing Ada Lovelace on code in her misty mansion. The Generative AI for Beginners – A JavaScript Adventure course (free on GitHub!) blends time-traveling thrills with hands-on JavaScript AI concepts. No time machine required—just curiosity and a keyboard! Generative AI is the secret sauce behind next-level chatbots, content wizards, and modern apps. For JavaScript devs, it’s your ticket to crafting smarter and more productive apps for users. This course? It’s your […]

TypeChat: Define Schemas for Your OpenAI Prompts 

Have you ever spent hours carefully crafting the perfect OpenAI prompt, trying to coax your AI model into generating just the right response? As an AI developer, I know that struggle all too well especially when it comes to returning structured JSON. What if there was an easier way to retrieve JSON responses from OpenAI and Azure OpenAI models? Meet TypeChat – an open source project from Microsoft that aims to make working with AI more efficient across different types of AI models by using TypeScript types (called “schemas”). Created by Anders Hejlsberg and team, TypeChat allows you to define […]

Solving the Puzzle of Real Time Collaboration using the Fluid Framework

I had the opportunity to talk at ng-conf (one of my favorite conferences of all time!) about how the Fluid Framework can be used to add real-time collaboration into your custom apps. In the talk I cover: Check out the video from the talk below or visit https://fluidframework.com to access: The Angular sample I show in the talk can be found at https://github.com/DanWahlin/angular-todo-list-fluid.

Migrating a Local Node Script to Azure Functions using VS Code

I have a work project that uses GitHub APIs to access stats about specific repos (views, clones, forks, etc.). It was pretty straightforward to get the project running locally using GitHub’s Octokit REST package and with a little work I had a working Node script that could be run to retrieve the data and display it in the console. That was a good start, but the script functionality needed to be consumed by others in my organization as well as by services such as Power Automate. What to do? While I could easily convert the script into a Node/Express API […]

ACS Featured Image - Using Audio and Video

Add Real-Time Video, Voice, and Chat to Your App with Azure Communication Services

How many times have you tried to contact a company’s customer service department only to waste time looking up the phone number or trying to find the *right* phone number to ask a simple question? Once you finally get through to someone you typically end up switching between the phone app and the company’s website or app to pass along required information to the customer service representative. It can be frustrating. Wouldn’t it be easier to open the company’s website or app and make the call directly from the screen that has all of your information already available? For example, […]

New Pluralsight Course: Angular Architecture and Best Practices

I’m excited to announce the release of my next course on Pluralsight titled Angular Architecture and Best Practices! The goal of this course is to provide you with solid, proven guidance to plan out your Angular application architecture, address various challenges that typically come up, and ultimately create a more maintainable and flexible application. Here are a few questions this course will help you answer: Is there one “right” way to architect and build an Angular application? Short answer – NO! What are some key concepts I should consider when planning my application architecture? Is there any type of planning […]

Free Interactive Coding Course: Build Your First Angular App

About a year ago I was browsing the web and came across a site called Scrimba.com. It provided a unique way to learn about web technologies through a live code editor combined with audio that syncs with the code – something you have to actually try out to realize the full potential. Since I do a lot of training for companies the Scrimba tool really caught my eye. I was so impressed with the features Scrimba provided that I decided to contact the creators (Per Harald Borgen and Sindre Aarsaether) to let them know that I thought the tool they had […]

Angular, TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code 10

I use VS Code a lot in my development projects and recently put together a set of Angular (v2 or higher) TypeScript and HTML snippets that can be used to enhance productivity when building Single Page Applications.  By typing the snippet prefix (which is “ag-”) in a TypeScript or HTML file you can quickly add the associated code into your file. Here’s a list of the supported snippets: Angular TypeScript Snippets ag-Bootstrap – Bootstrap snippet ag-AppModule – Create the root app module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureModule – Angular app feature module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureRoutingModule – Angular app feature routing module (@NgModule) snippet […]

Yet Another Podcast Interview: TypeScript and Angular 2

I recently had the opportunity to chat with my good friend Jesse Liberty on his Yet Another Podcast show about TypeScript and the role it can play in JavaScript-centric applications. We talked about the benefits that TypeScript offers (much more than just strong “types”) as well as how TypeScript fits into the overall Angular 2 picture. Jesse’s an experienced podcast host who asks great questions and makes it easy to chat about any subject – TypeScript in this case! You can listen to the interview here.