“Containerizing” Angular with Docker: My ng-conf Talks and Overall Experience

ng-conf 2018 is officially over….too bad it can’t go on forever. It’s such a great conference that you don’t want it to end. In addition to hearing a lot of high-quality talks from the Angular team and other awesome speakers, I had the opportunity to hang out with John Papa a lot (one of my best friends) as well as several other close friends, and made many new friends throughout the week as well (thanks to my buddy Brian Clark for the picture to the right). Here’s a little information about the conference and my overall experience. If you’re only interested in videos […]

New Pluralsight Course: Integrating Angular with ASP.NET Core RESTful Services

I’m excited to announce the release of my new course on Pluralsight titled Integrating Angular with ASP.NET Core RESTful Services! This course follows up my previous course which focused on Angular and Node.js. The code in this new class covers ASP.NET Core 2.0 or higher and Angular 4 or higher. As with my previous course, I’ll walk you through the process of using Angular to call into RESTful services and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in an application to allow a user to view and modify data. However, in this course the services are built using C# and […]

10 Angular and TypeScript Projects to Take You From Zero to Hero 11

There are a lot of great samples and posts out there to help get you started with Angular (version 2 or higher) as well as ES6/ES2015 and TypeScript. However, some are out of date, some may be more complex than you want to start with, and others have been abandoned and are no longer maintained. In this post I’m going to provide a list of 10 Angular/TypeScript projects that I’ve created that can take you from “Zero to Hero” if you like to explore project code and are interested in investing the time to learn. The projects are listed in […]

Getting Started with ES6 – Transpiling ES6 to ES5 with Traceur and Babel

In the first post in this series I introduced key features in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), discussed tools that can be used today to transpile code to ES5 so that it can work in today’s browsers, and listed several resources that will help get you started. Before jumping into the first official ES6 feature (that’s coming in the next post) I wanted to write a step-by-step walkthrough that covers how to get the Traceur and Babel transpilers working with Gulp (a JavaScript task runner). I’m also going to sneak in a little TypeScript as well since it’s another option. By getting […]

Getting Started with ES6 – The Next Version of JavaScript

  JavaScript has come a long ways in its 20 years of existence. It’s grown from a language used to define a few variables and functions to one that can be used to build robust applications on the client-side and server-side. Although it’s popularity continues to grow in large part due to its dynamic nature and ability to run anywhere, JavaScript as a language is still missing many key features that could help increase developer productivity and provide a more maintainable code base. Fortunately, ECMAScript 6 (ES6) adds many new features that will take the language to the next level. […]