VS Code

Migrating a Local Node Script to Azure Functions using VS Code

I have a work project that uses GitHub APIs to access stats about specific repos (views, clones, forks, etc.). It was pretty straightforward to get the project running locally using GitHub’s Octokit REST package and with a little work I had a working Node script that could be run to retrieve the data and display it in the console. That was a good start, but the script functionality needed to be consumed by others in my organization as well as by services such as Power Automate. What to do? While I could easily convert the script into a Node/Express API […]

Angular, TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code 10

I use VS Code a lot in my development projects and recently put together a set of Angular (v2 or higher) TypeScript and HTML snippets that can be used to enhance productivity when building Single Page Applications.  By typing the snippet prefix (which is “ag-”) in a TypeScript or HTML file you can quickly add the associated code into your file. Here’s a list of the supported snippets: Angular TypeScript Snippets ag-Bootstrap – Bootstrap snippet ag-AppModule – Create the root app module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureModule – Angular app feature module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureRoutingModule – Angular app feature routing module (@NgModule) snippet […]