New Pluralsight Course: Containerizing Angular Applications with Docker

I’m excited to announce the release of my next course on Pluralsight titled Containerizing Angular Applications with Docker! This course walks you through the process of containerizing front-end applications (with a focus on Angular) using Docker images and containers.

Here are a few questions this course will help you answer:

  • Why “containerize” front-end applications?
  • Should I consider using a CDN?
  • How can I serve front-end applications created with Angular (or other libraries/frameworks) using nginx?
  • How do I create a custom Dockerfile and custom image for my application?
  • What is a multi-stage build and how can I use it to build my code and create a final image?
  • Can I use Angular CLI features with custom Dockerfiles?
  • How do I convert my custom image into a running container?
  • How can I run multiple containers simultaneously?
  • What options are available for running my container(s) in the cloud
  • Much more…

Here’s a summary of the course…

Containerizing Angular Applications with Docker

The Angular CLI provides a great way to build and run Angular applications locally, but what do you do when you need to build Angular in another environment? How do you deploy your Angular application between development, staging/QA, and production environments while ensuring that everything works as planned?

In this course, Containerizing Angular Applications with Docker, you’ll explore the role that Docker containers can play in simplifying the process of building and deploying front-end applications (with a focus on Angular). First, you’ll learn about the role of images and containers and image registries. Next, you’ll discover how to write custom multi-stage Dockerfiles for building Angular code. Then, you’ll delve into different server options such as nginx for running your Angular applications efficiently and consistently across environments. Finally, you’ll explore how to orchestrate multiple containers using Docker Compose and .yml files. By the end of this course, you’ll have the necessary knowledge to efficiently build and run Angular applications across multiple environments by utilizing Docker containers.

Course Modules

  1. Angular and Containers
    • Course Agenda
    • Angular and Containers
    • Prerequisites to Maximize Learning
    • Key Course Concepts
    • Why Use Containers?
    • Running the Angular Application Locally
    • Running the Angular Application in a Container
  2. Creating a Multi-Stage Dockerfile
    • Creating a Multi-Stage Dockerfile
    • Creating the Angular Development Dockerfile
    • Multi-stage Dockerfiles
    • Creating the Angular Build Stage
    • Creating an nginx/Angular Stage
    • Creating an nginx/Angular Image
    • Using the VS Code Docker Extension
  3. Deploying the Image and Running the Container
    • Deploying the Image and Running the Container
    • Running the Angular Container Locally
    • Running the Angular Container using the VS Code Docker Extension
    • Image Registry Options
    • Deploying the Angular Runtime Image to a Registry
  4. Running the Angular Container in Azure
    • Running Multiple Containers
    • Running Multiple Containers
    • Running the Application with Docker Compose
    • Exploring the Docker Compose File
    • Options for Deploying Multiple Images/Containers

I hope you enjoy the new course!


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