Over the past year I’ve done several big updates to my Docker for Web Developers course on Pluralsight that I wanted to mention. First, all of the code samples have been updated and Docker Desktop (formerly called Community Edition) is now covered in addition to Docker Toolbox.
The biggest update came when I added a new module into the course titled “Moving to Kubernetes”. This module provides an overview of Kubernetes and what it is (a very exciting technology!), examples of using key Kubernetes commands, and an example of moving the Docker Compose orchestrated application shown in the course to Kubernetes. I hope you’ll check out the new chapter if you’ve already viewed the course in the past.
If you’re new to the course, here are more details about how it came about, and what it includes.
Docker for Web Developers
I’ve been using Docker for many years now and am still super excited about the benefits it offers software developers. In fact, I was so excited about the features that I decided to create a full video course on Pluralsight.com. The course has over 5 hours of in-depth information about why and how you’d use Docker in your Web development environment. Here’s a small sampling of some of the topics covered:
- Why use Docker as a Developer?
- Benefits that containers offer developers
- The difference between Docker Images and Virtual Machines
- Installing Docker Desktop or Docker Toolbox on Mac and Windows
- The role of Docker Hub for pulling images
- Key Docker Client commands
- How do you hook your source code into Docker?
- How do you build custom Docker images?
- Creating and using custom Dockerfiles and images
- How do multiple containers talk to each other at runtime?
- Bring up a complete development or production environment with Docker Compose
- Push custom images to Docker Hub
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Moving from Docker Compose to Kubernetes
- Much more!
Here’s the official course table of contents…
Docker for Web Developers Course Outline

Docker’s open app-building platform can give any web developer a boost in productivity. You’ll learn how to use the Docker, how to work with images and containers, how to orchestrate containers, how to work with volumes, and much more. View the course here.
- Course Overview
- Why Use Docker as a Developer?
- Setting Up Your Dev Environment with Docker Toolbox
- Using Docker Machine and Docker Client
- Hooking Your Source Code into a Container
- Building Custom Images with Dockerfile
- Communicating Between Docker Containers
- Managing Containers with Docker Compose
- Running Your Containers in the Cloud
- Moving to Kubernetes