
Docker for Developers: Understanding the Core Concepts

This post is based on a section from my Docker for Web Developers course on Pluralsight. Introduction Docker and containers in general continue to receive a lot of attention, and it’s well-deserved. But, you may have found yourself wondering, “What exactly is Docker? Can it be useful for developers like me?” When I first encountered Docker at conferences and user group talks, I wondered whether it had a place in my overall work flow and how I’d use it in different environments such as development, staging, and production. But as I dug deeper, I discovered that Docker can significantly impact […]

Using the Docker "before" Filter to Remove Multiple Images

I recently needed to cleanup a bunch of old Docker images on a VM that I run in Azure. While I could remove each image one by one using the standard docker rmi [IMAGE IDS] command, removing multiple images all at once as a batch was preferable. It turns out that removing a specific range of images is fairly straightforward using the “before” filter. You can do the following to list all images that exist before a particular image: Running the command will show all of the images that existed before the danwahlin/nginx-codelabs:1.15 image (basically the older images). Once you […]

New Pluralsight Course: Docker for Web Developers

How I Got Into Docker (and why you should too) One of the most exciting technologies that I’ve researched and used over the past year is Docker. That’s a pretty bold statement, especially since I enjoy working with a lot of different technologies, so let me share a quick story about how I initially got started with Docker and and my personal journey (if you’d prefer you can jump directly to the Docker for Web Developers Course). You may have heard the term “Docker” tossed around at work or online and wondered what it was…I know I did. I heard […]