Q&A with Silicon Prairie News About Docker Containers

I had the opportunity to talk with Silicon Prairie News about Docker and some of the key benefits it offers. They interviewed me ahead of the Heartland Developer Conference (HDC) event where I’ll be giving a keynote titled “Docker Containers: What Every Developer Should Know”. The questions they asked in the interview included: How long have you been working with Docker? Can you briefly explain Docker for developers and readers who may not have a current understanding of what it does? Do you think this is something that all developers should at least be educating themselves on even if they […]

Angular, TypeScript and HTML Snippets for VS Code 10

I use VS Code a lot in my development projects and recently put together a set of Angular (v2 or higher) TypeScript and HTML snippets that can be used to enhance productivity when building Single Page Applications.  By typing the snippet prefix (which is “ag-”) in a TypeScript or HTML file you can quickly add the associated code into your file. Here’s a list of the supported snippets: Angular TypeScript Snippets ag-Bootstrap – Bootstrap snippet ag-AppModule – Create the root app module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureModule – Angular app feature module (@NgModule) snippet ag-AppFeatureRoutingModule – Angular app feature routing module (@NgModule) snippet […]

Behind the Scenes: Angular and ASP.NET Core Pluralsight Course Kickoff Video! 1

I’ve had several people over the years ask about my workflow as I create video courses for Pluralsight and other sites so I thought I’d provide some details. Since I’m starting a brand new course for Pluralsight (Integrating Angular with ASP.NET Core RESTful Services) I filmed a few details about my equipment setup and also did a live recording (with bloopers!) of one of the video clips that will be used in the course. I know a lot of people are either interested in getting into video or simply want to know what really happens behind the scenes so I hope […]

.NET Rocks Panel Interview: Docker, Containers and More

I had the chance to sit down with Carl and Richard from .NET Rocks as well as Michele Leroux Bustamante and Rick Van Rousselt while at the DevIntersection Europe conference to have a panel discussion on Docker, containers and more. It was a lot of fun talking with everyone on the panel so feel free to tune if you’re interested in Docker and containers (click on the image below to listen to it). Listen Here

10 Angular and TypeScript Projects to Take You From Zero to Hero 11

There are a lot of great samples and posts out there to help get you started with Angular (version 2 or higher) as well as ES6/ES2015 and TypeScript. However, some are out of date, some may be more complex than you want to start with, and others have been abandoned and are no longer maintained. In this post I’m going to provide a list of 10 Angular/TypeScript projects that I’ve created that can take you from “Zero to Hero” if you like to explore project code and are interested in investing the time to learn. The projects are listed in […]

New Pluralsight Course – Integrating Angular with Node.js RESTful Services 10

  I’m excited to announce the release of a new course on Pluralsight titled Integrating Angular with Node.js RESTful Services! This covers Node.js 6.10 or higher and Angular 4 or higher. In this course I’ll walk you through the process of using Angular to call into RESTful services and perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations in an application to allow a user to view and modify data. If you’ve wondered about how Angular services work, how to organize modules, the role of Observables and RxJS in async operations, how Angular’s Http client can be used to make async calls, how […]

.NET Rocks Interview: Angular 2, ASP.NET Core and Docker

I always love jumping on the .NET Rocks podcast with Carl and Richard! Great guys who always make it a lot of fun. In my latest interview on the show we talk about ASP.NET Core, Angular 2, Docker and a bunch of other topics along the way. Click on the image below to listen.

Angular 2 Meetup in Barcelona with Dan Wahlin and John Papa 2

I’m excited to announce that John Papa and I will be presenting at an Angular 2 meetup on July 31st, 2016 at 19:00 in Barcelona! We’re going to be there doing a full-day Ultimate Angular 2 Workshop and wanted to organize a meetup for people who aren’t able to attend. Event Details What? Angular 2 Meetup in Barcelona Where? Can Jaumandreu – UB Parc de les Humanitats i les Ciències Socials, Carrer del Perú, 52, 08018 Barcelona When? July 31, 2016 (19:00 – 21:00) Who? Learn from Dan Wahlin, John Papa and others! How do I Register? Register Here (limited spots available) If you’re not able to make it to our […]

New Pluralsight Course – Play by Play: Docker for Web Developers

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friend John Papa and talk about how Docker can be used to boost Web development productivity. In this Play by Play course on Pluralsight we discuss what Docker is and how you can get started using it by installing Docker Toolbox or Docker for Mac/Windows. We discuss what images and containers are and the role they play, talk about the layered file system, as well as how you can quickly and easily get a full development environment up and running on your dev machine with Docker Compose. This same environment can easily be […]

Developer Bliss with Docker for Mac & Docker for Windows 11

I’m a huge fan of Docker and am using it a lot in various projects now. In fact the https://blog.codewithdan.com site is running in Docker containers on Azure. Three containers are used and managed with Docker Cloud: nginx container WordPress container MariaDB (MySql) container What’s great about Docker is that I can have a local version of my blog up and running on my dev machine in a matter of minutes and it mirrors production. That makes it easy to test out various WordPress changes (plugin and theme updates for example) rather than trying them on my production server which can be scary! If you’re working […]